Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

Should i leave my comfort zone?

"Life starts at the end of your comfort zone"

I have ever read that words on my friend’s instagram piicture. Life starts at the end of your comfort zone… it means, if you’re still stay on your comfort zone, you will never feel the real life or reality or something like that. I mean if you are still stay  on your comfort zone it was like you lay on your bed, sleep, dreaming and do nothing all day.

You know, to quit from comfort zone is the hardest thing that people have to do. Let us imagine, when we are still comfort with our bed, but the situation force us to leave that very comfortable bed because we should go to school. Yup, that was really hard. But that was the life meaning for. Leave your comfort zone and start do something to build up your dream or change your life into the better phase than before.

Recently, my mind was very messed up, this was the most complicated life period I have ever through. I’m already have a comfort zone that hard to leave. I’m already comfort with that eventhough sometimes I feel  time guilty to still stay in that zone. I know, that was not good if I force myself to stay and maybe it can be worse in my future later…

I’m very confused with myself right now. I have told and shared my problem to my sister and this was what 
my sister said to me on telephone:

“You have to leave it, soon. I don’t want you to stay with this situation for a long time. You know, you have been stayed with this situation in almost a long time. This is a worse situation for you. You are older than me, I think you have to be smart in making your life decision. Remember, what are you choose right now, will  make an affect on your future later. “

“You’re still young, you still have a lot of time, don’t waste your time jus for something that just hurt you or bother you. Leave this worse situation and I’m sure the better situation will come to you later. As soon as you leave this worse situation”

I’m still quite. She was right. The better things will not come if you are keep your life in a worse situation. But, as I said before, I’m already comfortable with that. It’s hard for me to do what my sister said.

Stay or leave this situation, soon. you have to decide it , soon. Because time will always goes by. I don’t want you to waste your time too long. i know it is gonna be hard for you, but believe me, you can pass it. eventhough its hard and it can hurt you enough, it can give you some experience and lesson about life that very valuable”  She finally ended up our conversation with that sentences. Maybe she tired and bored with all of my stupid justifications.

She still 16 years old but she always has good advice for me. Her mind is more mature than me. She could solve problems wisely. That’s why I always need her advice if I get some problems. She is very open minded. I love her so much. She such a good sister I ever have eventhough when I was child, I really hated her. You know, it was sibling rivalry.

Back to the topic.
The main point is, she really want me to leave my ‘wrong comfortable zone’. 

Then, the next questions are:

How can I leave this?
From where can I start to leave?


“when you’ve tried an ice cream once and it has a delicious taste, impossible you would never try it for the two, three or four times.”

“Or when you have sung a song in a karaoke place and it could make you happier than before, you must be go to that karaoke place again to make yourself more happy.”

I just called my friend lastnight. We were talking so many things that we have through for mostly 2 months we didn’t meet yet. I knew so many stories and experience from her. I knew she was a strong woman I ever met since we were in a same high school once. Then, we continue our study  in a same city, Yogyakarta.

Those sentences were from her. She told me that. She used  those sentences to figure out her life recently. Things that has just happened in her life. It was about things that should not be happen before the right come. But she has tried it. She tried something that should not she try. Then, she has an addicted with that. Yeah, some addicted and regretness. she said :” I was so stupid and collide with the rule. I did not know what should I do next day, but I’m still very guilty and regret now.”

On the next our conversation, finally I cried. My friend is in huge trouble situation and underpressure. I want to hug her. Because  I really knew what she feel now.
So, it was about regretness, addicted, mistake that will ruin your life forever…

kenapa ya , aku udah ga sekuat dulu?

hari ini dapet kejadian apes ditempat kerjaan baru dan aku langsung kena tegur kepala ruangan. dan rasanya langsung cesss banget ke dada. la...